I'm a one man stock market! :P

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Life can be such a bitch at times...

People talk weird shit. But guess they're just saying what came out of their heads... So the logical outcome is that their heads are full of the stuff. This ain't talking about anyone in particular just people in general and naturally a certain specific member of the homo-sapiens populace...

People come near you and then they fly off at undefined trajectories defying all laws of logic, reason and physics. Guess life was meant to be that way. Eh? Does that happen everywhere or is it just me? Or maybe it's my animal magnetism, except operating in reverse? I dunno. all i know is I've been having a really weird time lately. Everyday things seem to be spinning out of control and for no apparent reason. Maybe it's Murphy's law or maybe thermodynamics. I'm neither sure nor do i particularly care...

And you, if you're reading this (you know who you are) I hope you're happy now... You've pissed me off and that's not a nice thing to do. Downright reckless when you factor in my size and disastrous when you factor in my sun sign. Every one has heard of the bull in the china shop, you'll feel it, first hand



Whoa, I've been trying to get that off my chest for a while... It feels good. I let my mouth run a little wild here, but who cares... No one reads it anyways. And just in case the aforementioned person reads this, don't worry... I wont kill you...

But that might be the only thing i wont do...

************** END OF RANT***************

[Rationalisation mechanisms kick in]

Maybe i should write dialogue for cheap action flicks, what say? :P

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