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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Let it burn

Every once in a while in life there comes something you have to leave behind. Some part of yourself you have to cut off and throw away if you're to move on and to live your life. It could be anything, could be a book you loved, a dead pet, an idea you were behind or another person. And at that time when you know there's nothing left for you there...

Let it burn.
Watch the flame.
Let the light fill your emptiness.
Let the warmth engulf you.
And once the ashes blow into the wind, take a deep breath. Let the winter air fill your lungs. Feel the moment, live it, love it, breathe it...

And walk away, move on. Start anew, afresh...

Realise that your life is greater than the sum of its parts. That no single aspect of it is too defining to go on without. You can't lose your reason for living, you only think you can.

And once you've made your peace, reach out into the world. Embrace your life and live it the way it was meant to be:

Without fear and without boundaries...

Life is calling, where are you???
(heard in a smirnoff ad)

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