I'm a one man stock market! :P

Monday, October 23, 2006

Let there be light...

The gymkhana said,
Let there be light,
And several thousand man hours later,

There was...

Whether there was any point to all the time, effort, money and energy that myself and my fellow KGPians put in is debatable...

If you're one of the profs or staff here and the only high point in your entire existence is the painful display put up by the poor students then illu is a grand tradition that ought to be carried forward. If you're a student in your third or fouerth year, then your hall's display is a matter of pride and must not be allowed to flag at any cost. If however like me, you're one of the poor second years actually working to that end, then you think its just a colossal waste of time, money and space.

When you really look at it though, all of us are right and yet none of us can see the big picture. Typical.

I think i'll mail around pictures of the NH illu which i'm told wasn't quite the disaster it generally is :|

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