I'm a one man stock market! :P

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

At home & wasting my time...

My first year at KGP over, I am now at home after a 4 month absence. It feels good to be here. And since I have nothing to do I waste my time doing suchthings as can be found on blogthings.com It's a lot of fun...

For example I have learnt that:

You Belong in Dublin

Friendly and down to earth, you want to enjoy Europe without snobbery or pretensions.
You're the perfect person to go wild on a pub crawl... or enjoy a quiet bike ride through the old part of town.

People Envy Your Energy

You've got the drive and determination to keep your life in order, and you are on track to be a huge success.
People tend to envy all you've got in life, but they don't understand the work that goes behind it!

Your Personality Profile

You are elegant, withdrawn, and brilliant.
Your mind is a weapon, able to solve any puzzle.
You are also great at poking holes in arguments and common beliefs.

For you, comfort and calm are very important.
You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection.
You prefer to protect your emotions and stay strong.

^^ The last one was truly amazing... Y'all should give it a try...


Vinayak said...

what? i just tried it...was utterly sad!

Bull OR Bear ??? said...

well bully for you....
worked for me...

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